Bacteria in our digestive tract used to be something we feared, seeing it as something that was going to make us ill. But recently we’ve learned that the right sorts of bacteria in the right proportions are very important to our health. Have a look at this scientific article to find out just how important it is to get your gut biology right.

It might not surprise you that the bacteria in your system can be linked with physical conditions, but the link with mental health conditions might surprise you more. This article in Nature journal discusses the scientific evidence that’s mounting for a link with conditions including depression, autism and even schizophrenia.

For some in-depth information, this book by a pair of leading scientists should tell you everything you need to know about how our intestines can become damaged by the modern diet and way of life – not just food but toxins in the environment that we come into contact with every day.

Knowing about it is one thing, changing habits to improve your gut biology isn’t necessarily easy. One way forward is the GAPS diet, discussed in detail on the website of the same name.

An easy way to increase some of the beneficial bacteria in your intestine is eating fermented foods and those containing “good” bacteria: live yogurt is one the most common live foods. You can make your own live yogurt: this blog post shows how easy it is, or to make it even easier there are machines to do it for you.

Probiotics are being marketed as one of the ways to supplement your bacteria to improve the balance of your gut biology. To find out more about what probiotics are check out this reputable website.

Apparently the flora of your digestive system is as individual as your DNA, but certain bacteria combinations indicate certain conditions and even physical characteristics like weight. In this newspaper article a leading scientist in the field tests his knowledge against real people.

If you think there might be a link between a health issue you have and your gut’s bacteria, you can, for a price, get your “poo” analysed professionally to find out whether you might have a problem.


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