HRT Weight Loss

Is HRT weight loss a thing?  The menopause will come between the ages of 45 and 55. It can create many problems – impacting both the mental and physical health of women. 

One of the effective treatment options for menopause is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). 

Effectiveness of HRT

HRT is good as a treatment option if women experience moderate to severe cases of menopause. Because HRT provides essential hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone. Both of which the body stops producing after menopause. The HRT treatments can be in the form of:

Oral tablets, gels, and vaginal creams, skin patches, pessaries, or rings.

According to the NHS, the benefits of HRT outweigh its risks. Especially, women who experience menopause symptoms before the 45 should use HRT. Those are premature menopause cases. And they can be the result of some other medical conditions. 

HRT can help to relieve menopause symptoms. Such as hot flushes, poor sex drive, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and pains. Yet, the treatment options should use an individualistic approach. Meaning, doctors need to analyze each case on an individual basis. Then, assign the volume and the length of the treatment for each patient. 

Is HRT safe?

The usual short answer is that HRT benefits outweigh its risks. This means that doctors admit that HRT is not risk-free. 

Women may experience the following side effects:

Indigestion, feeling sick, vaginal bleeding, breast tenderness, headache, and abdominal pain. 

Some of these symptoms may subside within the first three months of taking HRT. But, the possible long-term impact of HRT can be unsettling. For example, HRT is not suitable for women who have a history of any of the following health conditions: 

Various types of cancers, blood clots, high blood pressure or liver disease. 

The side effects of HRT can include breast cancer, blood clots, high cholesterol, and hair loss.

Does HRT cause weight gain?

Women may gain weight during menopause. Because slowing metabolism produces fat regardless of whether they take the HRT. Slow metabolism, poor sleep, and low oestrogen are primary causes of weight gain. 

For example, during menopause some women experience insomnia. While some others remain inactive due to the pain and aches caused by menopause. All these factors contribute to the development of body fat. Especially, in the abdomen area. Reductions of muscle tissues throughout the body are also common during menopause. 

Thus, specialists recommend living an active lifestyle. as it can ease some of the physical and mental symptoms of menopause.

HRT and weight loss

Although there is no enough evidence, some sources believe that HRT can help with weight loss. According to the sources, the HRT supplements the lost hormones with synthetic hormones. As a result, it stabilizes metabolism. But, it is not good to use HRT for the sole purpose of losing weight. Because it can cause several side effects as mentioned above. 

Instead, effective natural means can be used to lose weight during menopause: find out more with our free course.

Increasing physical activity

We are not tired of recommending an active lifestyle over and over again. Because it is essential for the body. All the parts of the human body produce different functions. So, they should remain active. 

When the body remains active, it enhances the functions of other organs. In other words our body system starts to function as a whole. 

Think of tools that we use in daily activities. If they remain too long without usage, they begin to rust. The same thing happens to our body parts if we do not use them. An active lifestyle burns more calories, reduces our stress, and enhances our sleep.

Getting proper sleep

Sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain. Unfortunately, one of the symptoms of the menopause is insomnia. Getting a good night’s sleep should be a priority. 

Ghrelin and Leptin are two hormones responsible for how much we eat. For example, ghrelin tells us when to eat while leptin tells us when to stop eating. During sleep deprivation, the volume of ghrelin increases, and leptin drops. The condition leads to the consumption of more food. As a result, people eat more than the body requires, which in turn, leads to weight gain.

Make use of alternative therapies

Yoga, meditation, and herbal treatments can all help.  These activities may not lead to significant weight loss during menopause. But they sure can improve our mindset, regulate our stress, and enhance our sleep. 

Through yoga and meditation, women can become mindful of things that lead to weight gain. For instance, mindful eating is part of the formula. 

Eating nutritious foods

The food we eat determines how much weight we will gain. If people consume processed foods, they can experience significant weight gain. 

Processed foods  worsen the symptoms of menopause. As usual, people should avoid foods with too much-added sugar or salt. 

To categorize the menopause diet, we have listed acceptable and non-acceptable foods below:

Foods that are good to eat:

– Lean proteins from fish, chicken, or natural plants such as beans

– Whole grains

– Fruits and vegetables

– Healthy fats from organic sources such as olives and avocados

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Foods that are bad for menopause and twice as bad for weight loss.

– Processed meats: bacon, hot dogs, bologna, etc.

– Foods with added lots of sugar, salt, and oil (read the labels before purchasing)

– Pastries such as cookies, donuts, and cakes

– White bread

– Sweetened drinks: juices, sodas, teas, etc. (these beverages contain a lot of extra calories).


The primary takeaways from this article are the following:

HRT is one of the effective therapies to treat menopause. During HRT, specialists prescribe: 

Oral tablets, skin patches, or gels and creams to supplement the lost hormones. 

HRT benefits outweigh the possible risks. Yet, it can increase the chances of breast cancer, blood clots, and cardiac disorders. Thus, HRT is suitable for women who experience moderate to severe cases of menopause. People can address the milder forms of menopause through the use of natural remedies. 

There is no direct relationship between HRT and weight gain. Hormonal changes make women gain more weight during menopause. Regardless of whether they take HRT.

Some sources believe that HRT makes women lose weight. Because it boosts the metabolism by topping up volume of hormones with synthetic hormones. Yet, receiving HRT only to lose weight is not recommended given the variety of side effects.

During menopause, women can use natural methods of losing weight by:

Increasing physical activity

Getting proper sleep

Using alternative therapies

Eating organic and nutritious foods

Join our free course on Menopause remedies then click here to learn more.


Better Health Channel. (2018). Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and menopause

Brennan, D. (2021). Does hormone replacement therapy (HRT) cause weight gain or loss? MedicineNet.

Johnson, S. (2019, June 4). Best ways to lose weight during menopause. Medical and health information.

Mann, D. (2013, April 30). Is lack of sleep causing you to gain weight? WebMD.

National Health Services UK. (2017, October 23). Hormone replacement therapy (HRT).